
Showing posts from April, 2020

Journal #10

How have your thoughts toward school changed? I'm finding school to be much easier than ever most likely because I'm in the comfort of my home and do not feel as much stress.  Although, I know for many other students they feel much more stressed because they're used to a schedule.  

Journal #9

How are you feeling about the role of sports in our lives these days? I'm not a fanatic about sports or relatively interested in them but it's certainly interesting to see how it's affected others lives emotionally.  Like anything else, some people are very dependent on their favorite sports and watching them when they expect to because it's a stress reliever or what they enjoy.  

Journal #8

Have you reconnected (via phone or facetime or through the mail) with anyone? Have you considered it? Everyday I FaceTime my best friend and other friends so life feels a little more normal.  I've considered reconnecting with others that I know are toxic for me, it's been a struggle to not do so with all the time on my hands.  I also sent a letter to someone (an assignment) but I meant every word of what I said.  

Journal #7

How are you feeling about the place of art in our lives these days? I've definitely have had a lot more time to be creative in the ways I want to be, so art is very prevalent for me at the moment.  Also, since we're in the midst of a historical event I've seen many new works of art on social media conveying emotions towards the pandemic and how it's currently affecting society.  

Journal #6

How has your relationship with celebrities changed? I don't care much for them and never have.  But if anything, my opinion of them gets poorer every year.  Especially, during this pandemic many celebrities and minor influencers feel that they don't have to abide to safe social distancing but promote it on their social media's.  Seems a bit hypocritical to me, therefore I could care less for them. 

Journal #5

How are you feeling about spring? I'm happy there's warm weather, but I would've liked to go back to school and see my friends.  The ACT/SAT has been pushed back which is relieving.  I'm looking forward to my summer job and the new school year.

Journal #4

18.  Name one thing you  make sure to  d o  that ma k e s  you happy, hopeful, more relaxed.   I love to listen to a very wide range of music and I find it refreshing in the midst of my daily life.  Depending on the music I'm listening to, my mood can vary.  But most of the time I feel uplifted and much more productive. 

Journal #3

19.  What impact is technology having  on your daily life? Is this different than usual?     Obviously with remote learning most students have to be glued to their iPads until they're done with their work, and that includes me.  Daily life has been impacted greatly, I haven't really gotten to see anyone from school because of social distancing.  Also, I've been getting more headaches than usual because I'm constantly on some sort of technology.

Journal #2

12.  What’s the best advice you’ve heard, offered? Recently, someone on a podcast I frequently listen to gave advice that was significant to the situation I'd be in days in advance.  Since it hit so close to home it really resonated for me.  The advice was to be free in the way you share your feelings about anything and don't expect reciprocation.  Say how you feel because you can and you want to, if someone doesn't feel the same, that's ok too.  What's yours will never pass you by, that can include friendships, work opportunities, interpersonal relationships and etc...  Don't grow unhealthy attachments towards people or things, just feel your feelings and want what you want but never force it.